
Welcome to i Rutabaga! As a relatively new wife and a new mom to a beautiful 7 month old son I am still finding my groove around the house. I have a passion for food and cooking and I love experimenting with new recipes and flavors. While I do sometimes use recipes when cooking I prefer to be more creative and try lots of new combinations and cook using whatever I have in my pantry and fridge. There are a few challenges I face when cooking – namely my own food allergies and my husband’s “food preferences” (that’s a nice way to say he’s kind of picky). I’m allergic to nuts and sesame and I have problems with many raw fruits and veggies. This doesn’t stop me from making lots of delicious food! If anything, I am more inspired to tackle a recipe for something I’m craving but can’t eat out safely – Asian cuisine and baked goods especially. I’m also having lots of fun making all of my son’s baby food! He has not eaten any food from a jar to date!

I plan to photograph and blog my way through meals, snacks, and desserts and hopefully I will come out with a delicious repertoire of recipes that please myself, my husband, and my readers alike!

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